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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So I have my computer on the corner of the table that gets internet. I'm thankful for my little spot. It does drop the internet several times a day, but lately I've been able to get it back within a few minutes. It just runs pretty slow (i.e. no Grooveshark for Erin). But who cares? I get to check my email and see what's up on Facebook.

This is my 1 square foot spot on the table that gets internet:

Rather than trying to come up with some super relevant post though, I just need to get back in the swing of more consistent blogging since I am no longer without internet. To kick it off I just thought I'd share a couple pics of what is going on in Apartment 37 right this moment.

These are some of the boxes we have packed so far. My goal is to eventually get them stacked on that wall behind the table where the tree branch picture is currently hanging (see above pic):

This is the pizza dough rising for dinner. I am making Adam a BBQ chicken pizza:

And these are my lovely Valentine's Day flowers and balloon from Adam:

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